Book Club

About once a month we join together to discuss the book of the month.  It is a lot of fun of reading new and sometimes exciting books and drinking!

Featured book of the month Wizard’s of Earthsea

What books do we read?

ANYTHING!!  We do not shy away from books.  Everyone is able to contribute their favorite books for the year’s list.  We only request is you show up for your suggested book so we learn why it is your favorite and what you did not like about it.

Do I have to completely finish the book?

A lovely answer is…nope!  We all have busy lives and cannot find all the necessary time to finish.  Enjoy however much you read and come for the company.

Some of our most lively discussions came from debates about how difficult books were to finish.  Caution though since there are spoilers about the book being discussed.

Featured book of the month A Handmaid’s Tale

What books have you read so far?

We are ecstatic that you asked!! One of the most popular questions brought up and we have a simple solution for you.  We have a separate page for our past reads for you to enjoy.